Difficulty to conceive : how can osteopathy help?
Many couples have difficulties to conceive. Let’s see how ostepathy can help to conceive.
What is infertility (medical definition)?
At each intercourse during the woman’s ovulation period, a couple has a 25% chance of conceiving a child. Moreover, as you get older, the more infertility cases are frequent. Infertility is to be differentiated from sterility, which is the total and irreversible inability to conceive naturally. We are talking here about a difficulty in conceiving with or without a medical cause. Sometimes the meeting between an egg and a spermatozoon cannot be done. It may be due to a medical cause.
Want to know more about infertility ?
Infertility definitions and terminology (World Health Organization)
Difficulty to conceive, a couple story!
We forget it too often, but the problem is not always related to the woman. It can be present:
Either on the side of the woman (endometriosis, infection leading to the obstruction of one or both Fallopian tubes, a problem related to cervical mucus, etc.),

How can osteopathy affect capacity to conceive a baby?
Osteopathy is a manual, global practice that will release certain body tensions that have an impact on the patient’s state of health. In the case of difficulties to conceive, muscle tension, ligament, visceral, joint, … can affect the genitals and the hormonal system. This then plays a role on conception.
Generally, the work in osteopathy is mostly performed in women. Women with painful menstruation (not necessarily endometriosis), poor ovulation, very irregular cycles, those with pelvic or spinal trauma, or operations in this area, are more likely small dysfunctions and should consult an osteopath.
However, it takes two to conceive a baby and it is also interesting that men consult an osteopath too! In case of difficulties, the quality of the spermatozoa may be involved. It may also be due to tensions present in the area of the small pelvis or along the hormonal axis.
And let’s not forget that osteopathy can help manage tension caused by stress. Whatever the results of the tests, whether it is the woman or the men who are incriminated, the fact remains that this expectation is shared by the 2 members of the couple.
Learn more about how can osteopathy help with assistance in reproductive health.

IVF illustration
Nota bene: In couples undergoing medical assistance procreation (MAP), the woman can associate its medical care with osteopathic care so that her body is in the best conditions to receive the embryo. The man can also be followed in the same way. If the quality of sperm is not excellent, whatever the chosen option (artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization), osteopathic follow-up can help to optimize the chances of success.
How does it work?
Osteopathic treatment will restore flexibility and mobility to organs, ligaments, joints and fascia in the pelvis area. The osteopath will also work on the skull, a region where the entire hormonal system is set up.
Through manipulations, it will restore the body to a physiological state (natural) and restore the smooth functioning of tissues with each other. By working on mobility restrictions, the osteopath will be able to help fertilization (contact of the egg and sperm) and implantation (when the foetus attaches to the lining of the uterus).
It must be known that osteopathy is not the miracle cure for difficulties to conceive. It can help when no medical cause requiring surgical treatment is found. However, when a medical cause is found, the osteopathy session, together with medical management, can help your body relax, and enhance the effectiveness of medical treatment.