Why do babies have hiccups ?
Hiccups are very common in infants, and even in fetuses ! It is a reaction to a sudden absorption of an excess of air which causes a contraction of the diaphragm. Indeed, this often occurs after meals because baby swallows air at the same time as his bottle for example.
The “crises” can last more than half an hour, which is quite impressive and may seem unmanageable! Rest assured, hiccups are commonplace and not painful in toddlers … although it may seem impressive to parents.
Operation of hiccups
Hiccups is a ventilatory reflex characterized by a succession of spasmodic, uncontrollable and involuntary contractions of the inspiratory muscles. Actually, these contractions are related to irritation of the diaphragm. It receives two nerves, from the cervical nerve plexus, called phrenic nerves (right and left). They are responsible for contractions and relaxations of the diaphragm. Moreover, there are two cranial nerves that pass near the diaphragm, called vagus nerves (or pneumogastric nerves). They are responsible for digestion, phonation and heart rate. These are the largest cranial nerves.
It is when one of these nerves gets irritated that hiccups occur.

Phrenic nerve
The phrenic nerve
The phrenic nerve is localized in the neck and thorax.
- Structure : The phrenic nerve is the most important nerve from the cervical plexus. The phrenic nerve has a motor innervation for the diaphragm.
- Origin : The nerve fibers of the phrenic nerve originate from the cervical vertebrae of the spinal cord: mainly cervical vertebra C4 and incidentally cervical vertebrae C3 and C5.
- Path : The phrenic nerve passes through the neck and thorax and passes through the diaphragm at two points on the right and left.

Vagus nerve
The Vagus nerve
The vagus or pneumogastric nerves belong to the twelve pairs of cranial nerves, it is the tenth pair.
- Origin : The nerve fibers of the vagus nerve originate in the brain.
- Path : The nerve leaves the cranial box, descends into the neck, runs along the esophagus, passes through the mediastinum and the diaphragm before reaching the abdomen where it divides into numerous nervous filaments that will innervate the liver, the stomach and all the abdominal viscera.
Therefore, compression on the path of these nerves can cause repeated episodes of hiccups due to their location.
In conclusion, to prevent hiccups, it is necessary to prevent the baby from taking too fast feeding or meal, making small interruptions and eating in a relaxed and calm atmosphere. Contrary to popular belief, even if it happens more often in children, hiccup does not grow, and growth is not a cause of hiccups. However, a very common hiccups can be the sign of tension or blocking the nerve path related to the diaphragm. If you notice that your child is bothered by episodes of hiccups, your osteopath can during a consultation check the good mobility of the related structures.
Learn more about newborn and kids osteopathic treatment here.