Newborn & Kids



Birth is an incredible moment in a life, an amazing adaptation of Nature.

Birth is mostly seen as a way to literally evacuate the baby, but it is far more than that.

It is a complex process combining multiple functions. Thus, all aim towards one goal : preparing the baby (as a nervous system) to face the outside World :

  • Modelling the skull which will activate the center of growth of its bones, stimulate the brain and the membranes of the brain.
  • Creating the reference of your experience and perception of pain (from a neurological point of view). It will fully activate all the sensory receptors of your skin and will determine your perception of touch. So, it will determine the perception that your brain has of the connection of pain to the skin and the related organs. For example, this explains why many people, when having a heart attack, will feel pain on their arm.
  • Emptying the lungs from the accumulated water.
  • Creating one of the curves of the spine. When the baby’s head goes under the pubic bone, the head will be rejected backward, which will activate the muscles of the neck.


The processes of birth are extremely well organised and the plasticity of the body is amazing. It means that the body (mostly the skull, as it is the biggest part that will really get deformed) will be able to absorb a huge amount of pressures.  It will also be able to remodel the structures for them to get back to a normal shape.

This applies if the pressures are within the limit of what the body can accept. It is a simple rule of physics and mechanical laws.

A structure has a certain density and flexibility which will allow it to absorb a certain level of constraint:

  • If the constraint applied stays within the limit of flexibility (deformability), when released, the structure will come back to its initial shape.
  • If the constraint applied goes beyond this limit of flexibility, the structure will get deformed to a point that will not allow it to come back to its initial shape : a deformation is printed (vacuum, forceps, short or long births most of the time).
  • Beyond the limit of deformation, the structure breaks.


The ideal would be to have an osteopath within the medical team that delivers the baby, to treat the baby immediately. Indeed, if taken early, the first few days after birth, it is usually easy to erase the consequences of a traumatic birth. The more you wait, the more the body will adapt, grow and deeply print the mechanical disorders and imbalances. The more it will become difficult to reverse the process.

Here is where Osteopathy has a major role to play. This is the reason why new-born’s treatment is the most important of all. Through Osteopathy, we can literally erase the prints and deformations let by a difficult birth. We can also enhance the vital system to work at its best.

It is easy to change the direction growth of a sprout compared to a young or adult tree.

First of all, Osteopathy will allow to control the balance of the baby’s body at birth. If the balance is good, no treatment is required. If some imbalances are found, the treatment will be extremely beneficial and effective. Osteopathy will allow your child, through a balanced body and a balanced nervous system, to exploit the maximum of its potential for the best neurological and psycho-motricity development.  

All through their growth kids bodies may be subject to impactful events that affect the musculoskeletal system and its balance. Osteopathy will follow your kids to ensure the best balance possible at all time, so their best health.

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